Thomas Campbell

As someone who came from a career in the oil and gas industry, but wanted to broaden his horizons into other energy sources, E-IPER has been an amazing fit. The policy, technical, and environmental coursework has dovetailed with my MBA coursework at the GSB, and allowed me to synthesize learnings from across courses and gain a more holistic view on the problems and solutions of energy. Even better, it also pointed me in the direction of amazing courses like Clean Energy Project Finance or Energy Markets, and gave me the opportunity for an exciting independent study on the future of Texas' electrical grid. All the while, I was able to enjoy the best of both worlds by being active and engaged in my MBA experience, and simultaneously gaining an amazing education on the other side of campus with my MS. Ending it all with a capstone that brought together both prior professional experience, my business education, and the skills I gained in my MS to assess the potential for digital solutions to improve sustainability in oil and gas drilling was a perfect summation of an amazing time.
More than just the coursework has been the great sense of community. Getting to study and work together in a self-selected cohort of others who are passionate about the same topics was an enjoyable, exciting, and educational experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. I also got to meet interesting students working on similar problems from across Stanford and live outside of my GSB bubble more than I otherwise would. All this together with the interesting speakers, events, and more that were provided by E-IPER and Stanford Earth made the program everything I could have hoped for and more.